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I am currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics of the School of Aeronautics in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSIAE-UPM). My interests include developing numerical methods for solving compressible and incompressible flows. I received my Bachelor´s degree in Aeronautic Engineering (2009) and my Master´s degree in Aerospace Engineering (2011) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. After that, I joined the Department of Applied Mathematics of the School of Aeronautics, where I was in receipt of a UPM studentship to support my doctoral research. The topic of my PhD was error estimation and mesh adaptation in Discontinuous Galerkin methods and its applications to optimization of CFD simulations. I obtained my PhD in Aerospace Engineering in 2015 from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. My main interests include: fluid dynamics (aerodynamics, multiphase flow and flow in porous media) and numerical methods for partial differential equations discretization (h/p Spectral and Discontinuous Galerkin high order methods, error estimation and hp-adaptation).
Entropy-stable discontinuous Galerkin approximation with summation-by-parts property for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable density and artificial compressibility // PDF available
J Manzanero, G Rubio, DA Kopriva, E Ferrer, E Valero
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08089
A free-energy stable nodal discontinuous Galerkin approximation with summation-by-parts property for the Cahn-Hilliard equation // PDF available
J Manzanero, G Rubio, DA Kopriva, E Ferrer, E Valero
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08089
A p-multigrid strategy with anisotropic p-adaptation based on truncation errors for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods // PDF available
AM Rueda-Ramírez, J Manzanero, E Ferrer, G Rubio, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 378, 209-233
Truncation Error Estimation in the p-Anisotropic Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method // PDF available
AM Rueda-Ramírez, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero
Journal of Scientific Computing 78 (1), 433-466
On the role of numerical dissipation in stabilising under-resolved turbulent simulations using discontinuous Galerkin methods // PDF available
J Manzanero, E Ferrer, G Rubio, E Valero
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.10519
Improving the stability of multiple-relaxation lattice Boltzmann methods with central moments // PDF available
M Chávez-Módena, E Ferrer, G Rubio
Computers & Fluids, 172, 397-409
Dispersion-Dissipation Analysis for Advection Problems with Nonconstant Coefficients: Applications to Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations // PDF available
J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40 (2), A747-A768
On the efficiency of the IMPES method for two phase flow problems in porous media // PDF available
C Redondo, G Rubio, E Valero
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 164, 427-436
The Bassi Rebay 1 scheme is a special case of the Symmetric Interior Penalty formulation for discontinuous Galerkin discretisations with Gauss–Lobatto points // PDF available
J Manzanero, AM Rueda-Ramírez, G Rubio, E Ferrer
Journal of Computational Physics, 363, 1-10
Insights on Aliasing Driven Instabilities for Advection Equations with Application to Gauss–Lobatto Discontinuous Galerkin Methods // PDF available
J Manzanero, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero, DA Kopriva
Journal of Scientific Computing, 75 (3), 1262-1281
Upwind methods for the Baer–Nunziato equations and higher-order reconstruction using artificial viscosity // PDF available
F Fraysse, C Redondo, G Rubio, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 326, 805-827
Comparisons of p-adaptation strategies based on truncation-and discretisation-errors for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods // PDF available
M Kompenhans, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero
Computers & Fluids 139, 36-46
Adaptation strategies for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods based on Tau-estimation // PDF available
M Kompenhans, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero
Journal of Computational Physics 306, 216-236
Comparison of the ENATE approach and discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method in 1D nonlinear transport equations
V Llorente, G Rubio, A Pascau, E Ferrer, M Arıcı
Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 23
Quasi-a priori truncation error estimation in the DGSEM // PDF available
G Rubio, F Fraysse, DA Kopriva, E Valero
Journal of Scientific Computing 64 (2), 425-455
Sensitivity analysis to unsteady perturbations of complex flows: a discrete approach // PDF available
OMF Browne, G Rubio, E Ferrer, E Valero
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 76 (12), 1088-1110
Quasi-a priori mesh adaptation and extrapolation to higher order using τ-estimation
F Fraysse, G Rubio, J de Vicente, E Valero
Aerospace Science and Technology 38, 76-87
The Estimation of Truncation Error by tau-estimation for Chebyshev Spectral Collocation Method // PDF available
G Rubio, F Fraysse, J de Vicente, E Valero
Journal of Scientific Computing 57 (1), 146-173
Quasi-a priori truncation error estimation and higher order extrapolation for non-linear partial differential equations
F Fraysse, E Valero, G Rubio
Journal of Computational Physics 253, 389-404